Close Monitoring

As clever as hijackers and counterfeiters are, they leave a trail of clues that point them in the right direction. Untrained eyes may have difficulty spotting these, but our keen eyes never miss a thing. Our knowledge and alertness in monitoring your brand's account and actions allow us to identify such sellers before they have a chance to harm your brand.

Immediate Measures

Detecting unethical business activities and the organizations that support them is only possible because we thoroughly understand how to catch them. Measures are quickly taken by Amazon FBA requirements as soon as we have confirmed their presence. We do these actions without hesitation to defend your brand and put those responsible for black hat SEO practices to justice.

Reliable Protection

We have a thorough understanding of Amazon's principles and standards, thanks to our years of experience on the site. Your first line of defense against any threat in the marketplace can be counted on us because of our training and dedication to providing outcomes that match or even surpass expectations.
Invest in your company's future with a growth insurance policy.

Brand Protection Services

Protect your brand against hi-jackers.

Amazon's dishonest vendors are on the rise. Black hats and hijackers are selling your product and conducting business illegally. You and other ethical vendors are put at risk because of their existence on the market. Your Amazon products are at great risk if you don't have sufficient protection. SearchSpend is here to help you keep your money safe.

Protect your Account. Call Us Now!

We believe in honest business.

We've been doing business on Amazon for a long time now, and we've gotten a handle on its ins and outs. Nevertheless, it is important to be aware of the bad actors seeking to benefit at the expense of other companies and be on the lookout for their activities.

Protect your Account. Call Us Now!

Solutions to secure your brand.

Don't let swindlers and forgers slow down the expansion of your company. Join our team to help defend your company's reputation. Thanks to our tactical solutions for detecting threats, your brand and your business's interests will be protected.

Protect your Account. Call Us Now!

Dealing with Amazon Hijackers

If counterfeiters have hijacked your Amazon Listings, here are three things you can do to keep yourself safe. It's frustrating, but the less money you lose, the sooner you can prevent and address them.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Protecting your brand on Amazon can be done in a variety of ways.

Registrar of Amazon Brands

Organize your merchandise into sets.

Injunctions to Stop and Desist

Recognizing and avoiding odd product reviews

Logos and Packaging Customized

Intellectual Property (IP) security
Taking advantage of Amazon's methods and resources is a terrific approach to get started. However, you must constantly monitor the process and look for any unusual activity to keep your listings safe.

Our Amazon Seller Account in its entirety
Coverage for management services

Setting Up a Seller Central Account

With us in charge, you'll never have to worry about issues with your seller account. You don't have to worry; we'll take care of things right away and walk you through the process of creating your account.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

When you rely on our knowledge, you won't have to worry about improving your search engine rankings. We're well aware of the importance of keywords in boosting your brand's Amazon visibility. You may rest assured that your product's most profitable long-tail and high-volume keywords will be used by us, as well as those that are unknown to your competitors.

Product Listing Management

You can trust us with every step of the product listing process—from categorizing them to adding SKUs, content, keywords, and other special data. Additional services include bulk and parent-child product listings on Amazon and other details that contribute to winning the buy box through Seller Central, such as bulk and parent-child listings on Amazon.

Launch of a New Product

We can help you get your private label off the ground with our product launch services. With us at the helm, you can expect a well-planned and well-executed launch that generates positive feedback from your customers. In addition, we combine successful marketing strategies with suitable brand-protection safeguards to keep your content safe from hijackers and counterfeiters on the Amazon Marketplace.

Listing Optimization

Optimizing your product pages for search engine rankings is one of our primary goals. In addition, our SEO expertise enables us to use them effectively to increase and maintain the conversion rates of your sites.

Enhanced Brand Content

With Enhanced Brand Content, we can help you increase your product's conversion rate. With our help, we'll generate keyword indexed, appealing descriptions of your product's features and benefits. Images that complement the descriptive text will create a visually appealing presentation.

Brand Registry & Protection

Creating an Amazon brand is a lengthy process that requires time and work. However, with our account management staff, you can rest assured that we'll handle every step of the way and submit your paperwork for you. In addition, counterfeiters and illegal sellers will be kept at bay thanks to our diligent efforts on your behalf.

Logistics and Preparation

You can count on us to take care of all the packing and shipping details for you. Because of our extensive experience, we are well-versed in all of Amazon's shipping guidelines and procedures.

Our Partners

Go from surviving to thriving on Amazon

Use the power and influence of advertising to increase sales. Learn more about how you can benefit from our management expertise.

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