As a Seller Interactive Partner,
You Receive

As a SearchSpend Affiliate, you'll get bonuses for referring new customers.

Seller Interactive pays you for every new customer you bring on board. As a registered partner, you are entitled to a bonus for each new referral you receive.

Commissions during the duration of the contract

Referring customers to Seller Interactive means you'll get paid each monthly invoice for the life of their contract.

Exposure to a broader range of people

Which of the following is true about you? We're pleased to help you out by sharing your stuff back with you.

What our clients say about us

What We Offer

Seller Interactive is a Toronto-based Amazon Agency that offers the following services to sellers worldwide

Full Account Management
PPC Campaign Management
SEO/Listing Optimization
Product Launch Service
Brand Protection
Account Suspensions
Reimbursement & Refunds
FBA Wholesale Partnership

Our Partners

Go from surviving to thriving on Amazon

Use the power and influence of advertising to increase sales. Learn more about how you can benefit from our management expertise.

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